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Plant extracts offer health benefits for many conditions
發(fā)布時間:2018/12/18      點擊數(shù):2268
Nature offers a large selection of plants that can heal or help many health problems. However, discovering the benefits of each plant extract continues to be a challenge while regulations often add more obstacles. Nevertheless, a registered pharmacist recently shared her list of beneficial plants and herbs for a variety of medical conditions.
Many plant extracts are viewed as natural remedies, but they can still be found on store shelves in neatly packaged bottles next to the vitamins or minerals. Their availability contributes to the large health industry that has formed around natural treatments. Although it is still important to read labels, research ingredients and check recalls, more people are turning to plants as their salvation.
The purity of plant extracts plays an important role in how they affect the human body. This means starting at the farm level and making sure contamination with other plants or herbs does not occur. As the plants move through the processing and distribution chain, they must remain pure. Most companies and brands will test their extracts to make sure they are meeting the guidelines established for a particular product. They try to avoid pesticides or chemicals that can affect the wholesomeness of the plants.