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Hydrocotyle asiatica extract
發(fā)布時(shí)間:2020/5/9      點(diǎn)擊數(shù):1430

[introduction to Centella asiatica]:
Centella asiatica has a long medicinal history in China. According to the dictionary of traditional Chinese medicine, the drug is bitter and cold. In addition, Centella asiatica can also be used to treat hot boils, furuncles, red eyes, sore throat, etc. The reason why Centella asiatica extract has an excellent "healing" effect is conducive to wound healing. For example, continuous application of gelatin containing asiaticoside on skin wound.


[plant form]:
Centella asiatica, perennial herb, stolon, slender, rooting on nodes. Leaves membranous to herbaceous, round, kidney shaped or horseshoe shaped, 1-2.8 cm long and 1.5-5 cm wide, with blunt serrations at the edge, broad heart-shaped at the base, glabrous on both sides or sparsely pilose on the back vein; palmate veins 5-7, raised on both sides, branched on the upper part of the vein; petioles 1.5-27 cm long, glabrous or pilose on the upper part, transparent leaf sheath at the base, membranous. 2-4 umbel peduncles, 0.2-1.5 cm long, with or without hairs; bracts usually 2, rarely 3, ovate, membranous, 3-4 mm long and 2.1-3 mm wide; each umbel has flowers 3-4, clustered in a capitate, sessile or with a short stalk 1 mm long; petals ovate, purplish red or milky white, membranous, 1.2-1.5 mm long and 1.1-1.2 mm wide; styles about 0.6 mm long; Filaments shorter than petals, as long as styles.
Centella asiatica is usually in the form of a mass. The root is cylindrical, 2-4cm long, 1-1.5mm in diameter, light yellow or grayish yellow on the surface. The stem is slender and curved, yellow brown, with fine longitudinal wrinkles, and the nodes often have whisker like roots. The leaves were mostly shrunk and broken, and the intact ones were nearly round or kidney shaped after flattening, with a diameter of 1-4cm, gray green color, thick blunt teeth on the edge; the petioles were 3-6cm long and twisted. Umbels axillary, short. The fruit is bicuspid, oblate, with prominent longitudinal ribs and fine reticulate lines, and the fruiting stalk is very short. The air is slight and the taste is light.
 [active ingredients]:
The main components are asiaticoside and hydroxyasiaticoside. The main components were pinocarphone, menthone, pulegone, α - pinene, β - pinene, limonene, 1-8-cineole, 8-cineole, p-cymene, isomenthone, isopinocampone, linalool, mentholk and α - terpineol. The components were different with producing area, using and other factors, including glechomafuran and glechomanolide. In addition, it also contains ursolic acid, β - sitosterol, palmitic acid, succinic acid, caffeic acid, ferulic acid, choline, vitamin C and stachyose.