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Hawthorn Extract
發(fā)布時間:2020/5/9      點擊數(shù):1274

[Chinese name]: hawthorn extract (hawthorn flavonoids)
[English name]: hawthorn fruit extract
[source of extraction]: This product is the dry and mature fruit (including core) extract of hawthorn or hawthorn.
[product specification]: hawthorn flavone 10%
[product properties]: brown yellow powder
[test method]: HPLC
[shelf life]: two years
[package description]: double plastic bag plus cardboard barrel (25kg / barrel)
[about Hawthorn]:
Hawthorn is a plant of Rosaceae, Crataegus pinnatifida Bge pinnatifidaBge.Var.major N. E.br. And c.cuneata S.et Z.


[plant form]:
Small perennial deciduous tree of hawthorn, 3-6M high. Bark grayish brown, branching, spiny. The leaves are alternate or clustered on the short branches, with long stalks, wide ovate or triangular ovate leaves, 5-10cm long and 4-6cm wide, with 3-5cm-pinnate deep fissures on both sides, apex acuminate, broad cuneiform base, sharp heavy serrations on the edge, and short hairs on both veins. Flowers 10-12 in corymbose; sepals 5, green; corolla white, petals 5; carpel 5, ovary inferior. Pear small spherical, diameter 10-15 mm, dark red, gray white spots. The flowering period is from May to June, and the fruiting period is from September to October.
Red deciduous trees in the mountain, 4-8M high. Bark dark brown, much branched. Without or with thorns, the length of thorns is 1-2cm. Leaves alternate, petiole 4-6cm long, leaf blade wide ovate or triangular ovate, 5-12cm long, 4-8cm wide, apex acuminate, base cuneate, margin regularly double serrate, margin pinnate deep split. Corymbose, pilose, white flowers, 15 mm in diam.; sepals 5; petals 5. Pears subglobose, 25 mm in diam., dark red, with yellowish white spots. The flowering period is from May to June, and the fruiting period is from July to October.
[character identification]:
The fruit of    is a round section, with many curls and uneven wrinkles, with a diameter of 1-2.5cm and a thickness of 0.2-0.4cm. The outer skin is red to dark red, with fine wrinkles and small gray white spots. Flesh dark yellow to light brown. The middle cross section has 5 light yellow nuclei, but most of them are hollow. There are short and thin pedicel or calyx remains on some pieces. The air is slightly fragrant, and the taste is sour and slightly sweet. It's better to have large pieces, red skin and thick meat.
Clean Hawthorn: remove impurities and peeled off core. Stir fry Hawthorn: take Hawthorn slices and put them in the pot, stir fry until light brown. The flesh of this product is yellowish brown with occasional burnt spots. The air is fragrant, sour and slightly sweet. According to the test under the above [identification] item, the same result shall be shown; according to the method under the above [content determination] item, calculated by the dried product, the organic acid contained shall be calculated by citric acid (C6H8O7), which shall not be less than 4.0%. Jiaoshan Hawthorn: take the pure Hawthorn slices and put them in the pot, stir fry until the surface is scorched brown and the interior is yellow brown. The surface of this product is burnt brown and the interior is yellow brown. The air is fragrant, sour and slightly astringent. According to the test under the above [identification] item, the same result shall be shown; according to the method under the above [content determination] item, calculated by the dried product, the organic acid contained shall be calculated by citric acid (C6H8O7), which shall not be less than 4.0%.
[application scope]:
health care products, health nutrition products, infant food, solid beverage, dairy products, convenience food, expanded food, seasoning, middle-aged and elderly food, bakery food, leisure food, cold food and cold drink, etc.